Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Fox Business Channel Looks Into Fraud Tied to Deceased Doctors

During a Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs hearing held Wednesday, July 9, on Medicare fraud tied to deceased doctors, Senators from both parties grilled the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services’ (CMS) deputy administrator, Herb Kuhn, on the government agency’s lack of oversight for payment claims.

To learn more about this report read the New York Times article:

Fox Business Channel Wednesday evening (July 9), Tyler Wilson made it very clear that those scamming the government and using deceased doctor’s numbers are not members of the American Association for Homecare, but instead work on the periphery of legitimate businesses.

David Asman questioned Wilson on the program America’s Nightly Scoreboard, about the $76.6 million to $92 million paid by Medicare for false claims and asked whether he believed these numbers would continue to increase. Wilson said the number will expand unless Medicare improves on up-front enforcement. He explained that this issue has been a contention of the industries for some time and the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid have failed to use the tools already at their disposal and already within their authority to police these claims and not pay them.

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